About Jayne Cozens
Founder and Owner of Natu Sanare

I am based in Holbeach Bank, near Spalding Lincolnshire. I can provide private consultations in a clinic setting for feeding support and holistic treatments.
Appointments are offered for frenulotomy (division of the lingual frenulum; tongue-tie ) and feeding support if required at The Serenity Hub, Moulton. Home visits can be requested for special circumstances or if the sessions are full.
I also provide virtual consultations and support via WhatsApp for feeding support
In addition I can offer antenatal feeding education to prepare parents for their feeding journey
I am a Registered Midwife and regulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council. I am also a Midwife Newborn Examiner, Tongue-Tie Practitioner, Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and Infant feeding Specialist, a Craniosacral Therapist and Reflexologist.
You can check my midwifery qualifications and registration by looking on the NMC website at Registration - The Nursing and Midwifery Council (nmc.org.uk) Pin Number: 80I3873E Jayne Cozens.
I qualified as a nurse in 1983 and a midwife in 1992. Since being a midwife I have specialised in feeding practices in the Trust where I qualified. During my midwifery career I have completed numerous courses and studies on infant feeding, including attendance at many conferences by different providers.
In 2013 I became a Senior Infant Feeding Coordinator and lead the midwifery and neonatal team to achieve the UNICEF fully accredited Baby Friendly Hospital accolade for my local Trust. In 2017 I set up a new Tongue-Tie Service for the Trust, enabling parents to have thier babies assessed and treated for tongue-tie in which I was the lead and only practitioner.
I left the Trust in 2020 to persue private practice, so I could
concentrate on giving parents a unique service encompassing all of my skills and knowledge. A service that is evidence based and holistic, giving parents the time needed to assist with their feeding journey and enjoy their babies. I also wanted to increase capacity for my holistic therapies and have my own clinic.
In July 2020 I began working for PrivateMidwives.com as a Tongue-Tie Practitioner and they provide me with indemnity insurance for my practice, plus Private Midwives are regisitered with The Care Quality Commission and regulated for registered nurses and midwives to perform frenulotomy in a client's home. You can check my employment by going to the PrivateMidwives.com website.
I have been a International Board Certified Lactation Consultant since 2016 after sitting an Internationally recognised Exam. To remain an IBCLC, I have to re-certify every 5 years and prove that I have studied and am up to date. In order to fullfill the requirements, many hours are spent at study days, conferences in attendance (or online) and online study courses to gain CERPS. I feel very passionate about infant feeding and work hard to ensure that a parent's feeding journey is the best that it can be, whatever way they choose or are able to feed their baby.
I have been qualified as a Holistic Therapist since 2005 and a Craniosacral Therapist since 2014. I am insured with Holistic Services for these therapies and I am a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapies. To check my registration please go to Find a therapist | Federation of Holistic Therapists Directory Service (fht.org.uk) Registration Number: 98437
To remain on the FHT register, I have to gain CPD each year CPD is required for Reflexology and online study/reading/case studies, for my other diciplines.
I am able to give both of these therapies in my clinic. Please see services tab for further information.
I also give my time freely to a local registered charity called Lactation Motivation. The charity gives support to mothers by offering a face to face group. Peer Supporters who have had a certain level of training in lactation management are also in attendance to offer support. If you are having feeding issues, please see the Facebook group where you can follow our charity. The group runs on a Monday Evening 7pm-8pm, parents and siblings are welcome plus other support friends and relatives.
My hobbies are gardening and caravanning.